Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Its Croup and a clarification

Well, so much for not wanting to have any sick talk. Ended up taking Evret to the Doctor last time after I heard the seal barks and watching him try and breath, sure enough he has Croup. First time in this family. Two neb treatments last night and a shot of steroids. Now we just have to keep him away from Grandma so she doesn't get sick:( Hoping for a quick recovery.

On a different note, I have had some questions about a previous post so I would like to clarify it. I am so used to using certain terminology, and forget that civilians do not always use the same words. Here was part of my post: "I am on a mission today to start figuring out how we can stay in MN longer when Shawn redeploys. Wish me luck!" Redeploys=comes home, so hopefully we can find an active duty slot for Shawn when he comes home so we can ALL stay in MN instead of moving to a different state.

Hoping for a more fun filled next post!!

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