Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm back

I am back. I stopped writing only after a few posts but I find that I need an outlet and am hoping to find it in writing. I am a mom. I am a mom of three wonderful children ages 6,4 and 4 12 months. MY six year old daughter, Sonora, has Spina Bifida and really is a daily challenge lately. Today she had a seizure at school. She is fine, she came out of it on her own, but still a scary situation none the less. The school was great they took precautions and called 911. She didn't need to go to the ER but still another bump in the road. We are or were I should say changing her medications and had been weaning her of a couple. Apparently those medicines were helping more than we thought. So her new medicine was upped and will be upped again in 3 days. There is nothing more scary then getting the call from school saying they have called 911 for your child. I grabbed the baby told my 4 yr old to put on shoes, grabbed him a jacket and out the door we went.

This is just one event in the what is seeming to be a very bad year at school for Sonora. Last year at preschool Sonora loved going to school. She completed all her work and never gave the teachers a hard time. This year, she is like a whole new person not wanting to do any work, and refusing to do everything. Eventually she complies for part of the time. She nows has a full time para educator with her during the day to keep her on task otherwise she would wander around the class room in her own world. What happened? Has anyone else had this happen to their children? She was not being treated correctly for her epilepsy I often wonder if that is what has changed my little girl into my little monster.

My stresses only start with her daily attitude. We are in the Army so we will be moving in July to North Carolina. Now we are having to find a good school for Sonora so that I know that she is well taken care of again and being pushed academically. If anyone is interested in the whole military move, keep reading, I plan on posting almost daily everything I do to move our family.

I hope that this blog shines light on life in the military and maybe helps others like me know that they are not alone.
Until tomorrow, good night.